The Smiling Stone

The Smiling Stone, by Marcia Trimble and illustrated by Susan Arciero, begins on the shore of Nantucket Island when a young girl playing on the beach spots a "wee, tiny stone . . . smiling up at the sun." Follow the stone on an unexpected journey as he spreads his contagious smile to a few of the island's inhabitants, and find out whose smile is the best of all.

This beautiful hardback book is written for children between the ages of 2 and 7, but I think younger children would enjoy the story and understand its positive message as well. According to my 8-year-old son, he is a little too old for the book, but he didn't mind reading it to his younger sister.

Marcia Trimble's simple, rhyming text is easy to read, and young listeners/readers are enticed to turn the pages by finding out where the wee, tiny stone will end up next. For the illustrations, Susan Arciero uses creamy yellows, lime greens, and sky blues to create the picture-perfect island scene.

A variety of fun activities are designed to complement The Smiling Stone. Act out a play, make crafts, and learn some new games all about smiling.

Personally, I love hardback children's books. I read to my children every day and have done so since they were very small. The Smiling Stone is a wonderful addition to our collection, and I recommend it for yours as well.

Product Review by Brandi Tesreau, The Old Schoolhouse© Magazine, LLC, March 2010

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